tone(pin, frequency); //assigns a tone to the specified pin
tone(pin, frequency, duration); //assigns a tone to the specified pin for specified duration
delay(milliseconds) //can create a pause between notes
noTone(pin) //turns off the tone
//IMPORTANT NOTE: if you use tone(pin, frequency, duration) and then delay(ms), the delay must be equal to
//the duration of the tone PLUS the amount of pause you want after it
#include <Servo.h> //allows you to use the servo library
Servo myservo; //names your servo and assigns it as a servo
//(replace "myservo" with your chosen name)
myservo.attach(pin) //assigns the servo pin (place in void setup)
myservo.write(angle) //tells your servo to move to a specified angle
random(start of range, end of range); //output a random number between the defined range
randomSeed(integer seed value); //initializes the random number generator, each seed value corresponds
//to a particular pseudorandom number list
//quesiton: How to get a truly random number generator each time the code is restarted?
//What on the Arduino can output relatively random values?